This morning (Thursday, June 4, 2009) we and Americans for Tax Reform hosted an American Spectator Newsmaker Breakfast with South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, a leading fiscal conservative and oft-mentioned 2012 possibility. Sanford delivered a wide-ranging, reflective talk on everything from the Republican Party’s identity crisis to his difficulties finding a Wendy’s at which to dine in Alexandria. But Sanford focused heavily on South Carolina’s budget and his reasons for rejecting the federal stimulus funds.”
Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows the United States has lost 2.19 million jobs under Obama.
There is more to the story however, as part-time employment trends, people who have given up on finding jobs, and various other situations, mask millions more unemployed.
“Ryan Ellis, tax policy director at the conservative Americans for Tax Reform, doubted that. ‘If the IRS thinks licensing tax preparers will raise a lot of money, it won’t,’ he said.”
"’It has recently been announced that the firm High Ground Inc., a group that advises Governor Jan Brewer,’ wrote Americans for Tax Reform‘s Grover Norquist in a letter to Arizona Republican Party Chairman Randy Pullen, ‘will launch a $225,000 media campaign against legislators who oppose Gov. Brewer’s calls for a multi-billion dollar tax increase in the middle of a recession.’”
