The Associated Press now joins and numerous media outlets across the country in exposing the Democrats’ false attacks on the Taxpayer Protection Pledge and the candidates who have singed it.  The AP’s ruling on the claim that the Pledge and its signers want to ship jobs overseas:  “THE FACTS: The pledge, from Americans for Tax Reform, makes no promise to protect these companies. It says nothing about jobs. It's a pledge to oppose tax increases… John Kartch, spokesman for the group, said it would be possible to end tax breaks for overseas companies while honoring the pledge, by substituting a tax reduction of equal value elsewhere in the tax code.”

Nevada political pundit Chuck Muth announces his 2010 election endorsements in the Nevada Appeal.  Chuck notes, “There are a number of other Republican candidates who have a shot at picking up a Democrat seat; however, none of them have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. And as we've seen over and over and over and over again, Republicans who refuse to sign the Pledge are far more likely to end up voting for tax hikes… Why is the Tax Pledge a litmus test for me? Because if you can't get the tax hike issue right, odds are you'll get a lot of other issues wrong, as well. And if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.”