Exposing Paul Hodes: New Hampshire blogs GraniteGrok.com and RedHampshire.com have both caught on to Paul Hodes’s fraudulent accusations against Kelly Ayotte and the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. From RedHampshire.com: “…his campaign is using the preapproved talking points from the DSCC and slamming a popular common sense pledge and using the same old tire attacks which have been debunked across the country.” And from GraniteGrock: “These are the thoughts of a career liberal tax and spender, a central planner who believes that government should decide when and where to create jobs and on what terms, and that the tax code is a means to that end… Hodes is a Fraud and tragically, not even a terribly good one.”
With new polls showing 85% of Americans are angry about the economy, Democrats are desparate to separate themselves from the job-killing they voted for under Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. The Daily Caller catches one such Democrat in the act, “Mudcat Saunders may be best known for working for Democratic candidates like former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards or Virginia Sen. Jim Webb…But down in North Carolina this year, the southern Democratic operative who hails from Virginia’s Applachian mountains is trying to pull something off you don’t see everyday from a Democrat: running a candidate to the right of Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform…”
From The Hill: Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist chimes in on the bizarre attacks by Democrats on the Chamber of Commerce, “Having nothing to say…they throw make believe mud at the Chamber of Commerce that started this two year stretch trying to work with the Obama Administration…If you ask someone why you should hire them and all they can do is lie about someone else….chances are they don’t have anything to say for themselves… Carter and Clinton were not this pathetic. I miss the killer rabbits wearing thongs.”