Grover vs. Huffington Post’s Tanya Acker on Obama’s new double-tax proposal
“Sanford has disapproved of this year’s bill as well, arguing the cigarette tax should fund an income tax cut. Americans for Tax Reform also has opposed the South Carolina plan, noting the plan has ditched tax credits in favor of state subsidies for health care.”
“Sandra Fabry, of the Center for Fiscal Accountability is one of the few people who has studied what states have done with transparency portals. "There isn’t a perfect one out there yet," Fabry says, "but some are better than others."
The Pennsylvania State Senate is set to vote on the Taxpayer Transparency Act. The bill will require the state to create a website to track its expenses. “Sandra Fabry, executive director of the Center for Fiscal Accountability in Washington, says Texas has reported millions in savings because of duplication and waste uncovered as a result of its Web site.”