“Bipartisan ‘gang of six’ has deficit reduction plan for federal budget” from American Chronicle: “Republican lawmakers will be sensitive to any changes in the tax code that result in more revenue to the U.S. Treasury, since some will view it as net tax increases. That point has been a sideshow for the gang of six deliberations as Coburn has publicly battled with Grover Norquist, the president of Americans for Tax Reform, which sponsors the no-tax pledge taken by most Republican lawmakers for many years. Norquist already has warned the three Republicans in the gang that they will violate their pledge if they support a plan that eliminates tax deductions and credits that aren't totally offset by rate reductions.”
Politics on the Rocks will host Grover Norquist in Arizona this week: “Politics on the Rocks is honored to host Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform on Thursday, May 5, 6:00 PM at Hotel Valley Ho in Scottsdale, AZ.” The first 300 people that arrive at the free event will receive a complimentary hard back edition of Norquist’s Best-Selling book “Leave Us Alone.”