ATR's Mattie Duppler Discusses Recent Developments in IRS Scandal

ATR's Budget and Regulatory Policy Director Mattie Duppler joins Laura Ingraham on The O'Reilly Factor to discuss the most recent developments of the ongoing IRS scandal. Specifically, the recent claim that progressive groups were targeted alongside conservatives is used to debate whether or not the IRS's motivations were entirely political.

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Katherine Rushton from The Daily Telegraph wrote the following article about the message Grover Norquist will direct at Prime Minister David Cameron on his trip to the UK:

“Speaking ahead of the landmark speech, Mr. Norquist told The Daily Telegraph that Europe had been trying to establish a tax cartel with the US for years, and that with President Obama in power, it was finally making headway.

‘What Europe is trying to do, and has been trying to do for some time but which was never possible until Obama, is to set up a cartel and eliminate tax competition with Ireland and to some extent Canada,’ he said. ‘From the top down, Obama is in favour of a tax cartel, whereas the Bush administration wasn’t.’”


Americans for Tax Reform’s petition which opposes the NFL promotion of Obamacare was mentioned in the Economic Policy Journal: “Fans Petition NFL: 'I Don't Watch the NFL to be Preached at by HHS Secretary'”

“Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said this week that the NFL "has been very actively and enthusiastically engaged" in these discussions. Taxpayer dollars would be used to pay for these NFL Obamacare commercials.

Americans for Tax Reform has released a petition that allows taxpayers to voice their opposition to this HHS effort, reports Craig Bannister.”


Robert Ehlert’s Op-Ed published in the Idaho Statesman praises Grover Norquist’s points that immigration is good for the economy and an American tradition: “Robert Ehlert: We must find our way out of immigration mess”

“We have yet to hear from any members of the House or Senate who say they don't want immigration reform. We wish all 535 of them would sit down and listen to the arguments being put out by Grover Norquist, famously and infamously known for his "No Tax Pledge."

Norquist sauntered into Boise this week like Fred Astaire waltzing with the Statue of Liberty on an Ellis Island stage. Addressing the Boise City Club, he made a convincing and compelling bipartisan argument for all Americans to support immigration because, first, it makes economic sense. Second, it is who we are.”


The Minnesota Post published another article about the meeting of rivals Grover Norquist and Senator Alan Simpson for an afternoon at the National Zoo: “Two or three ways of dividing Americans”

“SIMPSON: To me, it’s always the rule of compromise. But to have people say I just don’t compromise on anything, those people are about as rigid as a fireplace poker but without the occasional warmth.

NORQUIST: Is this a Western thing? Because I once spent a day with a guy from Alabama and we drove around and we did all these little radio shows on tax stuff. And went from one to another. And he must have had a hundred sayings along those lines and he never repeated himself. I kept waiting to see whether he was on a continuous loop of some kind. I didn’t know whether he was making them up or had a book of a thousand of them or just picked them up over time. It was just — people in Boston don’t talk like that.

SIMPSON: And they don’t work in a hayfield with guys who are called irrigators either.”


Newsmax published an item from Americans for Tax Reform on the ridiculous things the IRS buys on taxpayers’ dollars: “10 Ridiculous Items Purchased by IRS”

“The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) released a review of the IRS employee credit card program this week.

Many of the items that were purchased and approved may astound you. Taken directly from the report, Americans for Tax Reform has compiled a list of the 10 most ridiculous items purchased with IRS credit cards.”