ATR’s ideas for cutting taxes cut were listed Tuesday on Reuters financial blog. “The folks at Americans for Tax Reform have assembled a pretty solid list of ideas.  Since Obama is apparently going for growth in an attempt to get reelected, he might want to take a gander at a few of these:

  1. Cut the corporate income tax rate. 
  2. Move from “worldwide” to “territorial” taxation….”

Obama BINGO is featured by Chicks on the Right.  “The good folks at Americans For Tax Reform have created tons and tons of different bingo cards to use…Tonight’s State of the Union address can be made more palatable if you are a) drinking heavily during it and/or b) playing SOTU bingo, and/or c) chiming in with your comments here as it’s happening live tonight.”

California Shouldn't Follow NY's Internet Tax Plan by Sonia Arrison at TECHNEWSWORLD.  "If advertising with California-based websites were to create a nexus in the state for out of state retailers, those retailers will simply chose to terminate click-thru advertising agreements with California-based websites," said Patrick Gleason of Americans for Tax Reform. When New York passed a law similar to AB 153, cut contracts with online advertisers in that state. Bills like AB 153 "will eliminate an important source of revenue, which income tax is paid on, for many online entrepreneurs and other California-based organizations."