In POLITICO, Grover Norquist comments on Senator Kent Conrad’s retirement. “If Kent Conrad had not retired he would have been defeated in 2012. Obama on the ticket would have hurt, not helped his race… In fact the North Dakota Democrat senators and congressman were three of the most consistently left-wing handmaidens of the labor union bosses, the trial lawyers and the national Democrat party…Conrad cannot win re-election stripped of the cover once provided by Pomeroy and Dorgan.”

The New Health-Care Reform is “Taxing Us All to Death” according to Fox Business. “As the House gets set to vote on a repeal of President Obama's sweeping health-care reform, Americans for Tax Reform is showing how the law is not just about health care, but is also one of the largest tax hikes ever! …The biggest taxes thankfully don't go into effect until 2014, but when they do they will be painful. …This law has always been out of control. We need to throw it out and start over on a law that would actually reform our health-care system without taxing us all to death!”