“Could Huckabee win in 2012?” in POLITICO’s Arena Grover Norquist responds: “Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin have the option of being significant players in conservative politics without having to actually run for office again. Either could run for president and would be serious players. Neither has to. Nice to have options.”
From The New York Times, ATR encourages Republicans to vote against California governor Brown’s proposal to increase taxes by $12 billion. “Mr. Norquist noted that Republican lawmakers in California who had voted for tax increases before had lost and made clear he intended to make certain that happened again if any of the signers gave Mr. Brown the votes to put the taxes on the ballot…think it’s extremely unlikely and I’d be very disappointed — my feelings will be hurt — if these people break their word to the people of California,’ Mr. Norquist said. ‘The people of California will crush them if they break their promise.’”
In an article by Caroline May at The Daily Caller, ATR’s Mattie Corrao criticizes government talk of defaulting on debts. “According to ATR, if the government were to sell off their General Motors shares it could bring in an estimated $18 billion…‘The government is sitting on a hell of a lot of assets to be talking about defaulting on all of our debts.’ Mattie Corrao, executive director of the Center for Fiscal Accountability, told TheDC. ‘GAO routinely estimates that the government’s management of its property and the management of its assets is high risk, because they simply don’t know. Not only does the government not know how many they own, how much it is worth, but they don’t even use half of them because they don’t even know they own them!’”
“Grover Norquist’s Great Analogy” Watch this video clip of Grover speaking on Feb. 22 in Bismarck, ND at the RegularGuyRant.com.
“Will Apostasy On Taxes, Social Security Lead To Deficit Deal?” by Howard Gleckman at Forbes.com. “The latest whiff of hopeful heterodoxy comes from three Republican senators– Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, Mike Crapo of Idaho, and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma. In quiet backroom negotiations and in a remarkable public exchange of letters with Grover Norquist of American for Tax Reform, the three lawmakers suggest that they might—might—support revenue-raising tax reform as part of a broader deficit reduction deal. When word spread that the three were working with Senate Democrats to design a bipartisan budget that would reduce spending, restructure Social Security, and reform and raise taxes, Norquist pounced. The three senators, he wrote, ‘were implicated as parties to a bipartisan budget deal containing a net tax increase.’”