In Roll Call, Grover Norquist comments on the newcomers at CPAC. “Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, told Roll Call that the focus will be on the newcomers in part because nearly 100 of them came to D.C. as a result of the midterm elections… ‘It’s hard not to showcase new faces because there are so many,” he said. “It makes [the conference] more forward-looking and more youthful.’… ‘If you’re sitting around talking about the good old days, it means you aren’t winning,’ he said.”
“Could VAT Follow Corporate Cut?” asked at “‘With a Democratic majority in the Senate and a Democrat in the White House you cannot safely have a conversation about tax reform,’ Americans for Tax Reform president Grover Norquist told IBD. ‘All we should do with them is spending restraint, spending restraint, spending restraint.’”
John Rossomando discusses defunding the stimulus at The Daily Caller. “Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, told The Daily Caller the administration and congressional Democrats promised the nation the stimulus would keep unemployment from surging past 8 percent, but that promise failed to materialize.”