Today, the Senate will vote on whether or not to concede lawmaking authority to the EPA. Coming to the floor is "Senate Joint Resolution 26," also called the Murkowski Resolution for its lead sponsor, which would block and overturn the EPA’s global warming regulations.
Unable to tax or sufficiently regulate greenhouse gases through traditional legislative means, Democrats have turned to the EPA to do their dirty work for them. Conceding this point, EPA Director Lisa Jackson writes about an EPA plan that sounds an awfully lot like cap-and-trade:
“I expect that EPA will phase-in permit requirements and regulation of greenhouse gases for large stationary sources beginning in calendar year 2011… In any event, EPA does not intend to subject the smallest sources to Clean Air Act permitting for greenhouse-gas emissions any sooner than 2016.”
Senator Murkowski’s resolution is nothing more than an attempt to stop the EPA’s power grab. Senator Jay Rockefeller, a longtime advocate for stringent carbon regulation, best explains SJ Res 26:
I have long maintained that the Congress – not the unelected EPA – must decide major economic and energy policy. EPA regulation will have an enormous impact on the economic security of West Virginia and our energy future.
I intend to vote for Senator Murkowski's Resolution of Disapproval because I believe we must send a strong message that the fate of West Virginia's economy, our manufacturing industries, and our workers should not be solely in the hands of EPA.
To echo Senator Rockefeller, allowing the EPA to set economic policy for the country – powers never delegated to the agency – is a clear subversion of the democratic process. Constituents elect senators to represent their interests, whereas, the EPA is a far removed board accountable to no one. So while some on the left are willing to use any means necessary to enact preferred policy, more responsible legislators will see the problems in this shrewd logic.
Click here to watch the floor debate and Sen. Murkowski’s opening statement on CSPAN2.
The following offices need to hear from you only if you live in the state the Senators represent. Tell them to vote "YES" on Murkowski SJ Resolution 26.
Sen. Baucus (Montana) – (202) 224-2651
Sen. Bayh (Indiana) – (202) 224-5623
Sen. Begich (Alaska) – (202) 224-3004
Sen. Byrd (West Virginia) – (202) 224-3954
Sen. Conrad (North Dakota) – (202) 224-2043
Sen. Dorgan (North Dakota) – (202) 224-2551
Sen. Johnson (South Dakota) – (202) 224-5842
Sen. McCaskill (Missouri) – (202) 224-6154
Sen. Pryor (Arkansas) – (202) 224-2353
Sen. Specter (Pennsylvania) – (202)224-4254
Sen. Tester (Montana) – (202) 224-2644