With the House set to adjourn for the Christmas break in two days, there are several bills hitting the floor today with which we have serious concerns. We sent a vote alert this morning urging members to reject leaderhip's misconceived "jobs" bill modeled on the same failures of the previous "stimulus" package. From our alert:

Cobbled together behind closed doors and not made available until late last night, the package is yet another extension of this Congress’s misguided spending binges on the back of American taxpayers. By diverting Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds to so-called “job creation initiatives,” it continues the slippery slope of turning the program more and more into an all-purpose slush fund for political expediency.

What’s worse, the costly so-called “job creation initiatives” are misguided at best and continue to throw more money into bottomless pits like Amtrak which for years has failed to become self-sufficient, and which has been double-dipping for additional funding in the “stimulus” package and the transportation appropriations bill.  In line with the “stimulus” package which really has been a bailout for government, the package further continues to send additional taxpayer dollars to state and local governments which have failed to budget responsibly on behalf of their constituents.

Click here to read the entire alert.