With the U.S. House of Representatives set to vote on the conference report on the FY 2010 budget resolution today, and the U.S. Senate to follow tomorrow, the Center for Fiscal Accountability has sent an alert to Members of Congress notifying them that CFA will rate a vote against the conference report in our annual ratings.  From our alert:

In the wake of a series of government bailouts and the passage of a trillion dollar spending and debt package under the guise of economic “stimulus,” this budget would only add fuel to the fire and aggravate the situation for taxpayers, who are already struggling.

Gimmickry does not take away the fact that this budget would not only place federal spending on an unsustainable path, it would also enact massive tax increases further hampering the potential for economic growth.   

Further, conferees decided to include in the conference report reconciliation instructions for health care and education, which would make it easier for big-government proponents to ram through their agenda. Taxpayers deserve better!