Phillip Klein, writing in the American Spectator, reports on an analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which projects that the Senate health care bill would raise premiums by more than $2,000 on the average family compared to what the cost otherwise would be if Congress were simply to do nothing:

The report, prepared at the request of Sen. Evan Bayh, found that those obtaining insurance on their own or through the government-run exchanges could expect to pay 10 percent to 13 percent more for insurance in 2016 than they would under current law. In dollar terms, in 2016 an individual policy would cost $5,800 and a family policy would cost $15,200 if the Senate bill were enacted, according to the CBO, compared with $5,500 and $13,100 under the status quo.

Earlier this month, the actuary at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services found that the bill passed by the House would raise overall health care spending in the United States, despite pledges to the contrary.

Told you so.