California, a state with one of the highest unionization rates, has often been a battleground for worker’s rights. With paycheck protection provisions failing to pass California’s 2005 ballot, unions have continued to spend member’s dues on political campaigns and initiatives without first asking permission from members. In 2005, California unions spent millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours successfully derailing paycheck protection reform.
Ron Nehring, Chairman of the California Republic Party, explains why paycheck protection is necessary to ensure fairness for workers, who must pay union dues, and for California’s budget, which is drowning under the quid pro quo system currently in place:
"Such political power has served as a massive force in favor of the unsustainable spending that has forced cities like Vallejo, California into bankruptcy with unrealistic salaries and pension benefits for their unionized employees.
Normally only a tiny fraction of Americans choose to donate to candidates or political causes. Yet many government employee unions enjoy the power to compel virtually all of their members into supporting the unions’ advocacy, regardless of how the individual worker feels about that agenda."
A new coalition, the "Citizen Power Initiative," has revived this important cause and is currently collecting signatures to, once again, have Californian’s vote on the paycheck protection.
John Stossel explains the why unions sound so appealing in theory but markedly different when practiced:
"That fact that American workers can vote to form a union sounds… democratic. Majority rules. Every worker’s vote is equal. No powerful boss makes decisions for you.
Except it doesn’t work out that way. Union bosses are eager to make decisions — and spend members’ dues — in ways many of their members never would. Union dues are routinely used to build cozy relationships with certain favored politicians. If you disagree with the union bosses’ choice, tough."
Unions have remained in power due to the disconnect many voters have between unions theoretical purpose- worker advocacy organizations- and the sad reality; unions are willing to sell out their members for political favors.