House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R – Texas) addressed ATR’s Tax Day press conference and called out President Biden for proposing higher tax rates than communist China.
Chairman Arrington’s remarks are below. Video of his remarks can be found here.
“Thank you, Grover, for your leadership and your fight for America’s economic freedom. It’s economic freedom that has given American unprecedented prosperity. It’s what’s given us the largest middle class. It’s given us the best quality of life, the highest standard of living.
There is not a place in the world like America because of our economic freedom.
And to me, that’s what pro-growth policies like lower taxes and lower regulations will do to restore what is missing under this disastrous Biden presidency and two years of reckless spending and failed economic policies.
Two years. Ten trillion dollars. Six trillion of which have been added to the national debt. All of which have been driven by a vast and radical expansion of the people’s government. Cradle to grave welfare, extreme climate policies, government controlled health care.
And now we have a situation where American families are severely suffering under record inflation and soaring interest rates. And this president’s response to changing course and to addressing the disaster that he’s created is the highest level of sustained spending, the highest levels of borrowing and the highest levels of taxes.
Taxes on families. Marginal rates on individuals. The Death Tax will double on our farmers and ranchers. We’ll have a corporate tax rate higher than any developed country, three points higher than communist China.
That is not a solution to any path to prosperity. That will not ensure our children have a better and brighter future and it will only worsen our unsustainable debt situation and the prospect of a debt crisis.
So thank you for your fight, Grover and I’m proud to stand with my colleagues to reverse the curse. Madison said the greatest curse is a public debt and these broken policies and reckless spending have a curse hanging over the heads of our children.
And we’ve got to rein in the spending, grow the economy, return to pro-growth policies like lower taxes. We do that like our fathers and grandfathers did after World War II, we can save this country and the best and brighter days are ahead of us. Thank you Grover.”