Constant Contact

Americans for Tax Reform is collecting personal testimonials of Americans hit by President Biden’s energy restrictions. (If you would like to submit a short video, please send it to Mike Mirsky at [email protected]). Please see the examples below:

“The middle class is standing right here and looking at him [Biden] and telling him, ‘we’re hurting, and we need jobs.'”

Pipeline Worker: “I’ve got my whole life invested in this.”

“Biden’s decisions to shut down the KeystoneXL pipeline and many others affects me and my family of five very much so.”

Oilfield Welder on Biden’s Hostility to Oil and Gas Jobs: “You have to change your whole life up because of politics.”

“I am currently unemployed due to Joe Biden’s executive order to halt construction of the KeystoneXL pipeline.”

“Canceling this Keystone Pipeline to make a group of people happy has had real life consequences. We got people who can’t work now, can’t provide for their families.”

Biden Keystone Order Hits Small Business Hard: “Over $3,000 in monthly revenue that was gone literally within 48 hours.”

“This is our livelihood. We don’t consider it a temporary job. We consider it as our career.”

“I’m just devastated by the decision of this administration to cancel the Keystone XL”