Sanders: “The mechanism here is fairly regressive. And that is, it will be increasing taxes on low income and working people.”
Bernie Sanders called out Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s endorsement of a soda tax, noting the Clinton tax violates her pledge to the American people not to support any tax increase on Americans making less than $250,000 per year.
As reported by NBC News, Sanders said:
“Frankly, I am very surprised that Secretary Clinton would support this regressive tax after pledging not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000. This proposal clearly violates her pledge,” he said.
In a separate comment reported by The Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross, Sanders said:
“The mechanism here is fairly regressive. And that is, it will be increasing taxes on low income and working people.”
Despite making a pledge to the American people that she will not raise taxes on anyone earning less than $250,000 Clinton said Wednesday that she is “very supportive” of a soda tax.
Clinton was speaking in Philadelphia and offered her tax hike endorsement out of the blue. She said:
“I’m very supportive of the mayor’s proposal to tax soda to get universal preschool for kids. I mean, we need universal preschool, and if that’s a way to do it, that’s how we should do it.”
Clinton used preschool as an excuse for her soda tax endorsement, and the threat to soda and pop drinkers nationwide is clear: Clinton’s official campaign plan calls for universal preschool for the entire country.
The specific soda tax endorsed by Clinton is three cents per ounce of soda.
“Hillary said she would cheerfully support tax hikes on low and middle income American who drink soft drinks,” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. “What taxes on low income Americans would she really oppose? Any?”
Further details about this and other Hillary Clinton tax hike endorsements can be found at Americans for Tax Reform’s dedicated website,