ATR Urges Support for Rep. Walden Resolution to H.R. 3170 to Prohibit Funding for Fairness Doctrine
Americans for Tax Reform urges all members of the United States House of Representatives to support the resolution introduced by Rep. Greg Walden that would allow the amendment he co-sponsored with Rep. Mike Pence to H.R. 3170, the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act to be heard on the floor.
House leadership has augmented the process by which Appropriations bills are heard to an unprecedented restricted level, precluding many amendments that would vastly benefit the American people from even being brought to the floor for debate.
The Walden-Pence Amendment is such an amendment. It aims to protect the free speech rights of broadcasters and citizens across the country by prohibiting any funds appropriated in the act from being used to implement the Fairness Doctrine, regulation that tramples the principles of free dialogue and diversity of ideas upon which this country was founded. Though an ironically-named policy, the Fairness Doctrine presents a grave threat to political thought and the freedom of ideas that distinguish America as the freest society in the world.
The strict structured rule under which the Act is being heard is antithetical to the democratic legislative process and members cannot claim to support free speech if they refuse to allow this amendment to be brought to the floor. Thus, all members of Congress should support Rep. Walden’s resolution to bring to the floor his amendment barring funds from the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act from being used for the implementation of the Fairness Doctrine.
The American people deserve better – vote YES on Rep. Walden’s Resolution