
Michigan lawmakers are working tirelessly this session to bring about positive labor reforms that would expand worker’s rights in the Great Lakes State.  

Unfortunately, special interests are trying to ride the coattails of this important work by pushing HB 6551, separate legislation that would allow incumbent PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) providers to secure an exclusive government franchise in their service area. ATR sent the following letter to Michigan legislators urging them to reject this protectionist policy: 

December 12, 2018 

To: Members of the Michigan Senate                                                                              

From: Americans for Tax Reform 

Re: Oppose House Bill 6551 

Dear Senator, 

On behalf of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) and our supporters across Michigan, I urge you to oppose House Bill 6551, legislation that would benefit incumbent PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) providers at the expense of Michigan’s frail and elderly. 

PACE is a federally authorized, state-administered program that allows certain Medicare/Medicaid (dual eligible) recipients to receive wrap-around medical and other services in a single facility while remaining with their families in their homes instead of being forced into a nursing home. Currently, incumbent PACE providers in Michigan serve only a small fraction of potential PACE participants, yet they are still pushing HB 6551 as a way to shut out other providers.  

If implemented, HB 6551 would allow incumbent PACE providers to secure an exclusive government franchise in their service area. This protectionist policy would have grave consequences for an underserved population of PACE eligible seniors in Michigan, leaving around 20,000 without access to a PACE provider. 

I know that Michigan lawmakers are passing very important legislation for workers’ rights. The special interest groups that stand to benefit from government blocking out its competitors are trying to slip this protectionist bill in amidst your very helpful collection of legislation. Please tell the special interests they cannot ride the coattails of your important work. ATR urges lawmakers to vote NO on HB 6551. 

ATR will be educating Michigan taxpayers as to how lawmakers vote on HB 6551 and other important tax, budget, and regulatory issues this session. 


Grover Norquist 


Americans for Tax Reform