Yesterday, Americans for Tax Reform sent a letter to Governor McDonnell asking him to sign House Bill 1349. This bill would effectively abolish a business that the state currently runs for some taxpayers: tax preparation and filing.
Currently, the state runs a tax preparation and filing system for some taxpayers. Under a non-monetary agreement between the Commonwealth of Virginia and companies in the electronic tax preparation and filing industry, 70% of lower income Virginians would be offered free, online tax return preparation and filing services. Moving this business from the government to the private sector is a good idea.
Additionally, the private sector would have an incentive to find as much savings as possible for taxpayers when preparing their taxes. The government on the other hand has little to no incentive to give back dollars to the taxpayer.
Americans for Tax Reform urges the taxpayers of the Commonweatlh to contact Governor McDonnell urging him to sign this legislation, in turn implementing this common sense reform. To see ATR’s letter to the Governor, click here.
Additionally, we ask that you consider writing to Governor McDonnell asking him to sign House Bill 1349. To contact the Governor regarding this bill, click here.