
Today, Wednesday February 4th, Americans for Tax Reform sent a letter to Congressmen urging them to reject the Restoration of American’s Wire Act (RAWA) based on 10th Amendment concerns.

A summary of the letter is below, and a link to the full letter can be found here.

Strong differences of opinion exist about the appropriate level of regulation of online gambling, both among and between civil libertarians and law-and-order conservatives. Some believe a legal regulatory regime is the best way to protect consumers and children, while some believe that a ban is ideal. 

Even though strong opinions and business interests exist on both sides of the appropriate level of regulation of online gambling, fundamentally this is a question of the defense of the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

As you consider RAWA we hope you will reject federal intrusion into this issue, and instead allow the states to continue making their own decisions about the regulation of intrastate online gambling, just as they have done with brick-and-mortar gambling for hundreds of years.