ATR supports H.R. 3077, the "TELE-MED Act," sponsored by Congressman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) This legislation advances a common-sense update to Medicare rules which should inject more competition into the program, make it work more efficiently for taxpayers, and give a wider range of services to Medicare beneficiaries.
H.R. 3077 would permit Medicare patients to receive care from doctors across state lines, using consultations on the Internet, by telephone, etc. As long as a doctor is licensed in his home state, he will be able to provide care and consulting to patients living in other states.
While a small improvement, this is exactly the type of consumer-driven change Medicare needs. Patients should not be restricted by antiquated rules into seeking out care within only an arbitrary political boundary. In the 21st century, those boundaries don't mean a whole lot in most areas of business, and they should not be determinative in Medicare, either.
It would surprise most people that Medicare patients are not free to contract across state lines today, and there's no good reason why seniors shouldn't be able to do so going forward.