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Today, Americans for Tax Reform released an updated list of incumbents and challengers in Montana who have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. These candidates have made a written commitment to their constituents to never raise their taxes. Americans for Tax Reform strongly encourages taxpayers to consider those who have made this commitment. The list of incumbents and challengers who have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge is as follows:



MT-AL Dennis Rehberg (R)


MT-AL Mark French (R)



Joe Balyeat (S-34)

Aubyn Curtiss (S-1)

Greg Hinkle (S-7)

Verdell Jackson (S-5)

Rick Laible (S-44)

Dave Lewis (S-42)

Dan McGee (S-29)

Bruce Tutveat (S-3)

Bill Beck (H-6)

Gerald Bennett (H-1)

Mark Blasdel (H-10)

Joel Boniek (H-61)

Edward Butcher (H-29)

Ray Hawk (H-90)

Brian Hoven (H-24)

Dave Kasten (H-30)

Krayton Kerns (H-58)


Scott Mendenhall (H-77)

Mike Miller (H-84)

Michael More (H-70)

Penny Morgan (H-57)

Lee Randall (H-39)

Donald Roberts (H-56)

Scott Sales (H-68)

Gordon Vance (H-67)

Bob Wagner (H-71)

Ted Washburn (H-69)


Rhoda Cargill (S-1)

Verdell Jackson (S-5)

Dave Ponte (S-35)

Wesley Prouse (S-23)

Bruce Tutuedt (S-3)

Pat Wagman (S-31)

Jim Whitaker (S-11)

Terry Bannan (H-68)

Bill Beck (H-6)

Gerald Bennett (H-1)

Mark Blasdel (H-10)

Joel Bonieck (H-61)

Alan Doane (H-38)

Clinton Field (H-64)

Kelly Flynn (H-68)

Kristi Allen-Gailushas (H-82)

Steve Gibson (H-78)

Alan Hale (H-77)

Jedediah Hinkle (H-66)

Bill Joseph (H-42)

Douglas Kary (H-48)

Krayton Kerns (H-58)

James Knox (H-47)

Steve Lavin (H-8)

David B. Lindseth (H-32)

Cheve Loney (H-25)

Gary MacLaren (H-89)

Nick Mahan (H-65)

Jonathan D. Martin (H-22)

Kandi Matthew-Jenkins (H-99)

Steve Lavin (H-8)

David Lindseth (H-32)

Nick Mahan (H-65)

Anthony J. Miley (H-61)

Mike Miller (H-84)

Michael More (H-70)

Ronald Scott Murray (H-69)

Jerry O’Neil (H-3)

Rachel Roberts (H-73)

Brian Schoof (H-40)

Dan Skattum (H-62)

Cary Smith (H-55)

Richard Stamey (H-89)

John Swenson (H-12)

Harm Toren (H-3)

Bob Wagner (H-71)

Ted Washburn (H-69)

Gordon “Gordy” Vance (H-67)

Max Yates (H-74)

Philip Hoag (Park County)