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Today, Americans for Tax Reform released an updated list of incumbents and challengers in Maine who have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. These candidates have made a written commitment to their constituents to never raise their taxes. Americans for Tax Reform strongly encourages taxpayers to consider those who have made this commitment. The list of incumbents and challengers who have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge is as follows:



ME-02 Jason Levesque (R)



Debra B. Plowman (S-33)

Douglas M. Smith (S-27)

David Trahan (S-20)

Bruce Bickford (H-70)

David Burns (H-32)

Richard M. Cebra (H-101)

Mike Celli (H-21)

Kathleen Chase (H-147)

Dale Crafts (H-104)

Dean A. Cray (H-28)

Jarrod S. Crockett (H-91)

Philip A. Curtis (H-86)

Andre Cushing (H-39)

Peter Edgecomb (H-4)

Stacey A. Fitts (H-29)

Kenneth Fletcher (H-54)

Leslie Fossel (H-53)

Jeffery Gifford (H-12)

Peter Johnson (H-27)

Henry L. Joy (H-9)

L. Gary Knight (H-81)

Wesley E. Richardson (H-49)

John C. Robinson (H-103)

Ralph Sarty Jr. (H-99)

Josh Tardy (H-25)

Douglas Thomas (H-24)

Jonathan McKane (H-51)

H. Sawin Millett (H-95)

Robert Nutting (H-78)


Bill Beardsley (Gov)

Matt Jacobson (Gov)

Paul R. LePage (Gov)

Leslie B. Otten (Gov)

Bruce Poliquin (Gov)

J. Martin Vachon (Gov)

Traci Gauthier (S-30)

Ann-Marie Grenier (S-12)

Lois Snowe-Mello (S-15)

Lewis H. Baker (H-43)

John J. Carson (H-151)

Beth A. O’Connor (H-145)

Jonathan Crimmins (H-66)

Gary Foster (H-109)

C. Dean Ingham (H-31)

Carol A. Kemmerer  (H-79)

Ellen Lemire (H-148)

Ricky Long (H-9)

Michael D. McClellan (H-103)

Joshua Morris (H-96)

Bobby Mills (H-136)

Robert Nutting (H-78)

Wayne Parry (H-140)

Wendy P. Pelletier (H-44)

Mary Schiavoni (H-134)

Peter Sheff (H-45)

Douglas A. Thomas (H-27)

Frederick L. Wintle (H-24)

Dana L. Dow (H-50)

William E. Dunton (H-61)

Robert Emrich (H-25)

Leslie T. Fossel (H-53)