ATR today led a coalition of conservative organizations in support of Congressman Ronny Jackson’s (R-Texas) amendment to prohibit the IRS from targeting individuals or organizations based on their political affiliation. This amendment has been ruled in order for Division D of H.R. 4502, the appropriations minibus which includes additional funding for the IRS.
The Internal Revenue Service has a long history of political discrimination. Oftentimes, those responsible are not punished nor held accountable. At the very least, this spending package should implement important safeguards to protect the American people from the IRS’s abuse.
Click here to view the letter or read below.
July 29, 2021
Dear Member of Congress:
We write in support of Congressman Ronny Jackson’s amendment to prohibit the IRS from targeting individuals or organizations based on their political affiliation. This amendment has been ruled in order for Division D of H.R. 4502, the appropriations minibus being considered by the House this week.
The IRS has a history of targeting conservative organizations and individuals. Most notably, under the Obama administration, the IRS targeted conservative groups applying for nonprofit status ahead of the 2012 election. Under the lead of IRS Exempt Organizations Director Lois Lerner, the agency screened the applications of conservative organizations based on their names and policy positions, subjecting those applications to heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays, and demanding information that was unnecessary for the determination of their tax-exempt statuses.
A 2017 Senate Finance Committee report found that just one conservative nonprofit organization received tax-exempt status over a three-year period between 2009 and 2012. No IRS employee was disciplined for this scandal. The Obama Department of Justice closed its investigation with no charges, and Lerner was allowed to retire with a pension and a bonus.
Rep. Jackson’s amendment would prohibit future targeting of individuals or organizations based on their political affiliation. We urge all members of Congress to support and vote for this important, commonsense proposal.
Americans for Tax Reform
American Commitment
Institute for Liberty
Club for Growth
Center for a Free Economy
Less Government
Center for Freedom and Prosperity
Council for Citizens Against Government Waste
National Taxpayers Union
Texas Public Policy Foundation
60 Plus Association
Frontiers of Freedom