Today, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) continued its pressure on Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) by releasing an online petition asking him to oppose the Senate healthcare bill because it violates the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. 

The petition, found at, urges Sen. Nelson to be a “no” vote on any procedural votes and/or final passage votes on this anti-taxpayer piece of legislation. The petition also reminds him that a failure to do so would be a breach of trust between him and the people of Nebraska.
“Sen. Nelson has shown the courage of his convictions. He is alone among Senators to have taken the Pledge as a Democrat,” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. “The pressure is building now to break that Pledge, however. Majority Leader Harry Reid is pressing his caucus to deliver a healthcare bill, and it appears more and more likely he will not have a single Republican to lend a ‘bipartisan’ label to the government healthcare bill. Sen. Nelson needs encouragement to know that he’s not standing alone in the face of this pressure.”
The petition follows up on ATR’s recent launch of a series of television ads encouraging the Senator to oppose the healthcare bill. The ads will run on both local and national news and commentary broadcast for three weeks, reflecting the significance of Sen. Nelson’s vote to prevent tax increases as part of the healthcare bill.
“It’s clear with Harry Reid’s decision to include the public option in any healthcare legislation going to the floor that every Democrat vote is required to pass cloture. Now is the time for Sen. Nelson to follow through on the promise he made to get elected and stand by the Taxpayers,” continued Norquist.

Click here for a PDF of this document