ATR Applauds House Passage of US – Peru Free Trade Pact
Time is now for Congress to act on other pending agreements

Washington, DC- Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist applauded the House passage today of the US – Peru Freed Trade Agreement by a vote of 285 to 132. This vote demonstrates there is strong bi-partisan support for the benefits of free trade. 

“This is a victory for manufacturing and high-tech jobs and businesses, both large and small,” said Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform.  “The benefits for will have an important and lasting positive impact on the economies and people of both nations.”

There are currently three more free trade agreements before Congress; deals with Panama, Colombia and South Korea are now awaiting hearings and votes. 

“We cannot rest on the success of today, there is much more to be done,” Norquist continued.  “The strong support for the US –Peru free trade agreement is acknowledgement of the positive mutual impact of such agreements.  I urge all Members of Congress who supported this measure to apply the intellectual honesty they have shown here to the remaining agreements and act quickly so the benefits of those deals can be felt as quickly as possible.”