WASHINGTON, D.C. — With the Iowa general election taking place Tuesday, Americans for Tax Reform has released an updated list of incumbents and challengers for state legislative and state-wide office who have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. These candidates have made a written commitment to their constituents to oppose any and all efforts to increase taxes. ATR strongly encourages taxpayers to consider those who have made this commitment when they vote on Tuesday, November 6. The list of incumbents and challengers who have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge and will be on the ballot Tuesday is as follows:

Dan Huseman (H-3)
Dwayne Alons (H-4)
Chuck Soderberg (H-5)
Henry Rayhons (H-8)
Matt Windschitl (H-17)
Jason Schultz (H-18)
Jack Drake (H-21)
Cecil Dolecheck (H-24)
Dave Deyoe (H-49)
Clel Baudler (H-58)
Walt Rogers (H-60)
Kraig Paulsen (H-67)
Tom Sands (H-88)

David Edwards (S-16)
Randi Shannon (S-34)
Shawn Hamerlinick (S-46)
Will Johnson (S-50)
Gabe Swersie (H-29)
James Carley (H-30)
Patti Branco (H-34)
John Landon (H-37)
Lyn Tackett (H-61)

*Not all Incumbents up for re-election in 2012

Americans for Tax Reform is a non-partisan coalition of taxpayers and taxpayer groups who oppose all tax increases.  For more information or to arrange an interview please contact John Kartch at (202) 785-0266 or by email at [email protected].
