Taxpayers are on the hook for $3.2 million for acid-trip TV ads promoting Obamacare in Oregon. Devoid of information about the state exchange, Oregon’s newest Obamacare ad features absolutely no information about the health care law and what enrolling in the state exchange means. Cover Oregon, the state Obamacare agency, began airing this ad last week thanks to a taxpayer funded $9.9 million contract awarded to a Portland public relations firm.

Here are the lyrics:

“We fly with our own wings. Care about the same things. We stand strong together. So let me hear you say. We fly with our own wings. Dreamin’ all the big dreams. Long live Oregonians; we’re free to be healthy. Long live Oregonians; we’re free to be healthy."

“Free” has quite the interpretive meaning in the context of a bill projected to cost more than $1.76 trillion over the next 10 years.

With 20 new or higher taxes and a slew of big government mandates, Obamacare was destined to fail from the get go. This ad exemplifies why more people trust Republicans on health care than Democrats – a first in over 20 years. It also possibly explains why 46% of the uninsured have negative opinions about President Obama’s health care law.

Obamacare is more unpopular today than it has been at any point since its passage in 2010. That may explain why Cover Oregon’s objective is to get a song stuck in the heads of young hipsters instead of outlining the true consequences of the job-killing and disastrous legislation.

This ad is the second ad aired by Cover Oregon in an effort to convince people to enroll in the state exchange. The first similarly contained no information and simply directed people to a website.

(h/t to