AWF sent the below legislative alert to all members of the Senate uring them to oppose Sen. Reid’s amendment to the Senate Jobs Bill. To express your concern, contact your Senator at 202-224-3121.

AWF Will Rate against a "yes" vote for this bill in our annual Congressional scorecard. A vote for this bill will negatively affect a Senators contention for the Guardian of Worker Freedom Award.

[PDF Document]

The Alliance for Worker Freedom (AWF) urges all Senators to vote against invoking cloture on the Senate amendment 3310 to the House amendment to the Senate amendment on H.R. 2847, the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE Act)

A vote for cloture is a vote for passage, as such, the Alliance for Worker Freedom will rate tonight’s cloture vote in our annual Congressional scorecard. A vote supporting this bill will negatively affect your contention for the Guardian of Worker Freedom award.

Containing numerous Davis-Bacon provisions, legislation that shows an unfair preference to unionized workers when constructing government contracted projects; the Reid Jobs bill marginalizes the average private sector worker.

  • Extends current highway authorizations through December 31, 2010 transferring 19.5 billion from the general fund to the highway trust fund
  • All Highway construction trust fund expenditures are required to be Davis-Bacon Act compliant
  • Applying Davis-Bacon prevailing wage mandates inflates construction wages nationally by 22 percent
  • This union wage compliance added $17 billion to the cost of the last “stimulus” bill

The misnamed Reid “HIRE Act” doesn’t create “new” jobs and the adherence of a Depression-era union wage law forces fewer projects at a higher cost. If market wages were paid without union preference, there could be more construction projects paid at a market wage.

Don’t let Senator Reid pay his employed union buddies a 22 percent higher wage when 14.8 million Americans are out of work!