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Today the Census Bureau announced that Michigan will lose one Congressional seat as part of the decennial reapportionment process. An updated study by Americans for Tax Reform compared states gaining and losing seats, finding that gainers had significantly lower taxes, less government spending, and were more likely to have “Right to Work” laws in place. Because reapportionment is based on population migration, this is further proof that fiscally conservative public policy spurs economic growth, creates jobs, and attracts population growth.

Michigan’s top personal income tax rate is 4.35 percent, while the average among reapportionment gainers is only 2.8 percent. Half of the states gaining seats do not levy a personal income tax at all. Government spends $4,397 per Michigan taxpayer, 10 percent higher than the average among gainers. And Michigan is a forced unionization state, where an employee can be required to join and contribute financially to a union as a condition of employment. All but one of the states gaining Congressional representation, by contrast, are Right to Work states.

Michiganwill now have 14 Congressional seats, continuing a steady decline from a peak of 19 seats in 1970. Governor-elect Rick Snyder would be wise to part with the big government legacy of Jennifer Granholm and embrace the brand of small government espoused in states that created jobs and attracted population over the past decade. ATR’s study on Michigan follows:


Average Top Personal Income Tax Rate

Per Capita State and Local Tax Burden

Per Capita Government Spending

Right to Work States


Reapportionment Gainers

2.8 percent



7 of 8



4.35 percent





55 percent

